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Joseph Stazzone

Joseph Stazzone

Joseph Stazzone

President, Cafe Kreyol

Joey Stazzone is the President (and Chief Coffee Hunter) of Cafe Kreyol. In 2012 Stazzone took his experience with chemistry, cross breeding, and backyard botany, and began working in developing countries with the goal of creating sustainable employment, through specialty coffee. Through a decade of hands-on experience working with producers, he has become an expert in fermentations and post harvest processing. Stazzone has been a licensed Q Grader since 2015, and is now a CQI Lecturer on Quality Evaluation. He is an international juror for the Cup of Excellence, and has given dozens of lectures on Direct and Transparent Trading as well as Fermentations and Post Harvest Processing.

Most recently his company was awarded the 2023 "Macro Roaster of the Year" by Roast Magazine. Through his work at Cafe Kreyol, he provides consulting to hundreds of producers a year, conducting experiments on coffee fermentations, pH testing, and post harvest processing, in order to help them develop their best possible option. In 2022 his company completed a scientific study on post roast resting times, and the impact on sensory evaluation which was featured in Roast Magazine, presented as a Lecture at the Roast Summit (2022) in Seattle, and can be found in full on the Cafe Kreyol research page. You can learn more about Stazzone and his backstory before coffee by watching this short documentary.    



